Knowledge is power; education opens doors and creates opportunities. This project’s intention is to provide the local Jordanian women with the skills and opportunities to generate a recurring income source through regenerative agriculture. Education and Empowerment is the most direct way of ensuring this project is successful.
An Urban Chicken Tractor (UTC) is a mobile chicken coop ensuring that chickens are able to move throughout the entire plot of land while simultaneously providing them with protection and a warm place to produce eggs. It is designed similarly to a large wheelbarrow, which gives the women involved in the project the ability to move the coop keeping the plot of land adequately fertilized. This system combines poultry and egg production with compost and waste management seamlessly, mimicking natural fertilizing patterns. Additionally, it works extremely efficiently with a minimal amount of labor.
The garden, scaled to replicate a small plot of land found in rural villages, is the final segment that gives the women the ability to generate income and nutritious produce. Education and compost from the UTC will provide all that is needed to grow healthy and nutritious crops for consumption and a surplus to sell within the local markets.