Our Mission To protect the dignity of the world's most vulnerable communities by developing sustainable economic and agricultural solutions that provide a source of income, access to healthy food sources and combat climate change. Donate Today We take a dignity-first approach We approach our communities with respect, and work with them to identify sustainable solutions. Donate Today

Create Opportunity

Our solutions create economic opportunities for our communities, enabling them to build with dignity.

Provide Nutrition

We break the cycle of poor health for impoverished families by growing nutritious foods.

Combat Climate Change

Our regenerative solutions focus on reversing desertification by ensuring the environment is more resistant to drought.

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Where your gift keeps on giving.

tons of fertile soil is lost due to land degradation every year
hectares of land are lost due to desertification alone
of the Earth's land area is at risk for degradation by 2050
and degradation is happening at 35X the historical rate


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